For 10 years, more than a radio, your radio
2007 - Creation of Musiquose
2008 - First direct
2009 - Partnership with Radionomy
2010 - Edited by FS Groupe
2015 - Edited by 2D Online
2017 - 10 years of Musiquose!
2019 - Change of antenna line
2020 - Extension to the USA
Musiquose is an international web-radio. For 10 years, we have offered you the latest musical innovations punctuated by live mix. Today, Musiquose offers you the best of urban music (pop and rnb)!
Created in 2007, Musiquose is now published by 2D Online, it is at the heart of the group's radio activity. In 2019, Musiquose changes antenna direction with a more urban program (pop and rnb).
Artists on the air
Artists on the air
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A question ? A demand ?
Do not hesitate to contact us, a member of the team will reply to you within 48 hours by email! For any request, please kindly mention it in the body of your message.